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Economics: E-economics and the collaborative economy

What is a Collaborative Economy?

Collaborative Economy


A marketplace where consumers rely on each other

instead of large companies to meet their  wants and

needs. Collaborative economy consists of giving,

swapping, borrowing, trading, renting,and sharing

products and services for a fee, between an

individual who has something and an individual 

who needs something.

(​, 2018)


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OneSearch for NC Databases

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Keyword Search Suggestions

Ebsco OneSearch:

Keyword search suggestions: 

  • collaborative economy
  • collaborative economy models
  • airbnb sharing economy
  • uber business model
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Investigation - Research Report

Assessment Objectives
  1. Comprehend economic concepts, principles and models as they apply to e-economics and the collaborative economy.
  2. Select primary and secondary data and information and sources relevant to organizations in the collaborative economy based on their relevancy and reliability.
  3. Analyze e-economic organizations by using data and information to interpret relationships, patterns and trends.
  4. Evaluate economic outcomes regarding e-economic organizations to draw conclusions or make decisions and considering economic ideas and perspectives.
  5. Create a response that communicates economic meaning to suit the intended purpose and demonstrate order, sequencing and development of ideas in a written report.

TASK Investigate the operations of an organization in the shared / collaborative economy. You may choose from:  Airbnb, Uber,, Kickstarter, Coworking, eBay, TaskRabbit, or  your own choice approved by your teacher.

How To Write What You Want To Say


Use the tabs to help you improve your writing. Each tab contains examples of sentence starters, connecting words, and sample paragraphs that demonstrate how to write in that style. 


Hipwell, P. (2012). How to write what you want to say. Brisbane: Logon Literacy.

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Collaborative Economy Resources

Private customers share access to products or services with other private customers – a platform serves as intermediary.

Where to now?

Identify growth and changes / Discuss labour, capital and technology / Analyse trends, recent performances / Evaluate benefits to customers.

Source: Review of the collaborative economy in NSW

Organisation in a shared / collaborative economy


**659 results on OneSearch for NC Databases

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Google Web Search
SLASA Online Referencing Generator - Harvard


Use this presentation to improve your ability to use direct and indirect references.

Online Videos

The case for collaborative consumption.


Retailers and consumer goods companies are also being affected by this sharing economy trend, thanks to the rising demand for sharing services.


New tech businesses bringing sharing

economy and challenging traditional industries.